As we live in this time of unprecedented change in the world and in our country, dealing with justice, environmental, and religious issues, we find ourselves facing an uncertain future. In addition, our struggle with Covid-19 is bringing unexpected shifts in our daily way of life.
I am reminded of St. Anselm, who lived during the time of the Norman Conquest in Great Britain and in the turbulence of the 11th Century, when previously accepted ways of thinking and doing things were challenged. How was he able to survive through those times? What held him together on his walk through life?
In one of his prayers, we see Anselm turning his eyes and his heart to God's love shown in Christ Jesus. That became his focus, and gave him courage on his walk through life, with and to God.
I commend to you his 11th Century prayer:
“O dearest Friend, who hast so loved and saved us, the thought of whom is so sweet and always growing sweeter, come with Christ and dwell in our hearts; then Thou wilt keep a watch over our lips, our steps, our deeds, and we shall not need to be anxious either for our souls or our bodies. Unite us more perfectly to Christ. O most loving Father of Jesus Christ, from whom floweth all love, who art Love and Truth, let our hearts, frozen in sin, cold to Thee and cold to others, be warmed by Thy fire and brightened by Thy light.
So help and bless us in Thy Son.
May that prayer become our prayer and guide for our own life at this time. And may we rejoice as we walk together in our procession to God.
Rev. Gary Borges, Emeritus
August 23, 2020