Peace Lutheran Church • 1525 Glen Creek Road NW • Salem, OR 97304
Phone: (503)362-8500 • Email:

Sometimes visiting a new church can be intimidating. Here are the answers
to some frequent questions to help you know what to expect.

  • Parking - Our main parking entrance (upper lot) is between the two yellow posts on Glen Creek Road NW. Our sanctuary entrance faces the parking lot.

  • Accessibility - Yes, you may enter our building on the main level from the upper parking lot without negotiating steps.

  • What Should I Wear? - You will see people dressed in casual to business casual to "Sunday best." Wear whatever makes you comfortable.

  • Worship Style - Our worship reflects the historic liturgical tradition of the Church. Music is a combination of long-loved hymns and modern pieces, accompanied by an organ, piano, and occasionally, other instruments. The service typically lasts a little more than an hour.

  • Where to Go - When you enter the main doors, you will be greeted by one of our volunteers. They will direct you towards our sanctuary entrance where you can sign our guestbook and receive a worship folder from an usher. We also offer hearing devices, just ask one of the greeters or ushers.

  • Contact Cards - You will find these slips located in the pew racks. We ask you to fill these out with your prayer requests, information requests, etc and turn them into the ushers during the offering time. If you are interested in our programs or want to become a member make sure you fill these out and we will be in contact with you!

  • Holy Communion or the Eucharist – Peace congregation practices an inclusive understanding of welcoming people to the Lord’s Table. Communion is offered every Sunday. All the baptized are invited and welcome to receive Holy Communion at Peace. Holy Communion is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given with bread and wine for us to eat and drink for the strengthening of faith and the forgiveness of sins. If you have not been baptized but would like to be, please contact the pastor. White wine is used (in chalice and individual cups in tray). Grape juice (purple in individual cups in tray) and gluten free bread are available if needed because of dietary restrictions. Let the ministers know. Those not communing are invited to come to for a pastoral blessing. Those unable to come to the altar will be offered communion at their seats. Let the usher know.

  • Children - Our service is intergenerational and all ages are welcome in our worship space. If you have young children, ask an usher, as you enter the sanctuary, for a worship bag with activity items. Children will usually be invited up for a children's message just before the sermon.

  • Coffee and Fellowship - Join us for Coffee & Fellowship around 10:15 am after the service. We will chat & catch up with other. We encourage you to stick around for adult bible study that starts at 10:45 am.

  • Sunday School/Bible Study - We gather each week after worship, from 10:45 to 11:45 am, for Sunday morning Education or Bible Study led by Pastor Joe.

  • Stay in Touch - Please leave appropriate contact information (email preferred) on our guestbook.

  • Joining our Church - All are welcome to participate in the life and activities of our ministry, whether that is attending a worship service, Bible studies, special projects, or an event. If you would like to become a member of Peace Lutheran Church, please schedule an appointment with the pastor.

  • If you have any questions about your visit, please contact us.
