About Worship — Peace Lutheran Church of Salem, Oregon

“Come and See” the Gospel at work in our lives at Peace!  (John 1:46)


Our Sunday morning liturgical worship follows the Lutheran tradition and the ancient Church Year. We also provide Wednesday worship services during the church seasons of Advent and Lent with additional worship services for Holy Week, Thanksgiving, and other church holidays.   

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Peace congregation practices an inclusive understanding of welcoming people to the Lord’s Table. Communion is offered every Sunday. All who are baptized are invited and welcome to receive Holy Communion at Peace. Holy Communion is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ given with bread and wine for us to eat and drink for the strengthening of faith and the forgiveness of sins. White wine is used (in chalice and individual cups in tray). Grape juice (purple in individual cups in tray) and gluten free bread are available, if needed, because of dietary restrictions. Those not communing are invited to come to the altar for a pastoral blessing. Those unable to come to the altar will be offered communion at their seats.
