I am writing this for what is being called “Portals of Peace”. Simply thinking about the idea of a portal of peace drew me to the beginning of the LBW, Holy Communion Liturgy. The KYRIE is the gateway or doorway through which we enter to worship.
“In peace let us pray to the Lord”.
“Lord have mercy”.
It is no small thing that we call on each other to join in peace, as we enter into worship. As we gather together to seek the presence of God’s grace and mercy. And, as we join around the table of the Lord to receive the forgiveness of our sin, in the very gift of Jesus’ body and blood.
Since we seek a peace that is beyond our reach, we ask God to help us. We ask God’s Spirit to establish the peace that is beyond our abilities and efforts. And, therefore, we together plead: “Lord have mercy”.
During the months of a pandemic, we have been unable to gather as we once took for granted. Each of our congregations have been challenged to bring a Sunday experience to our individual homes. And I, for one, realize how I miss the gathering, in worship, with fellow believers. I miss what can only be found in experiencing the body of Christ. I miss what can only be found in sharing the gracious and loving presence of “God with us”, in Holy Communion.
Peace congregation, because of its chosen name, is always being called forward toward concord and harmony. As a member of Peace, I am mindful of that mission and ministry still today. Because, this time of social unrest and pandemic threaten our peace as individuals, as a community, as a planet; the petitions that follow are powerful indeed.
“For peace from above and for our salvation,
For the peace of the whole world, for the well-being of the Church of God and for the unity of all,
For the sanctuary of Peace, and for all who would offer there their worship and praise”,
“Lord have mercy”.
These words are for me a “portal of peace”. Peace in the memory of Sundays past. And peace in the hopeful anticipation of Sundays yet to come.
May the Lord bless us and direct our days and our deeds in his peace!
Pr. Rob Bjornstad
July 2020